❝ Any emotion, if it is sincere, is involuntary ❞ - Mark Twain

Sunday 29 September 2013
Just Because. Posted at 20:28 0 comments (+)
I've always wanted to start writing again for the past few years but just never got into it. Truth be told, this current blog was created about two years ago with the title Haecceity, which basically means 'individuality', for some a reason I can't remember right now. It's funny, because when I logged onto my blogger account and saw that this blog existed, I didn't know what the title meant, hehehe.

But point being, I am reviving this blog unbeknownst to you all just because. Yup. Just because. 

Okay, there is a tiny reason. I want to share my photos with the world, or at least make them more 'permanent' in a sense, because I'm not the kind of person to share my photos on Facebook, and I feel that bombarding my followers on Instagram with the numerous photos I take would be a tad annoying. So! I guess you can think of this as some sort of photoblog but we'll see how it goes. I'm a bit hesitant to type out my feelings as I have done in the past because I tend to type a lot when I'm emotional, and I figured that I didn't want to share every single detail of my life (hence why I stopped writing in the first place a few years ago). 

So, yes. Hopefully this will turn out well. :)


Pui-Ching Lee, 19th August 1993.
Harry Potter & Disney
Layout by mymostloved with script, background and image.